The TEMPer devices can be attached to a PC through
a USB port or can be attached to a network. This monitored object can communicate with these devices and generate alerts when
temperature and/or humidity is outside of limits you set.
Identifier This is a short label that is used to identify this Monitored Object. Description
This is an optional description of
the monitored object. Enabled Enables/disables the object for monitoring. Used to temporarily
exclude an object from monitoring. Severity This is the Severity indicator for this object.
It allows you to rank the importance of alarms on this object. The range is 0-9, with 0 as the most severe alarm condition. Delay This is the number of seconds that an alarm on this object must persist before alarm notification
is performed. This should be equal to or greater than a multiple of the object or global interval. Host System Enter or select the name or IP address of the system on which CPL Agent resides or is a TEMPerLAN device.
Read Sensors Click this button to read the TEMPer devices available on
the target system (CPL Agent) or the list of probes available on a TEMPerLAN device. The configuration for each device/probe
will be displayed when you click on an item in the Sensor list. Sensor This is a list of TEMPer
devices found on the target system (CPL Agent) or probes found on a TEMPerLAN device. Click on an item to display its configuration
in the frame. Port This is the TCP port used to communicate with CPL Agent or a TEMPerLAN
device. The default for CPL Agent is 1086 and the default for TEMPerLAN devices is 5200. You must change this to 5200 to communicate
with a TEMPerLAN device. Time Out This is the time in seconds to wait for responses from either
CPL Agent or a TEMPerLAN device. Fahrenheit Check this box to interpret temperature
readings on the Fahrenheit scale. The default is Celsius. Log Samples Check this box to
log each data sample read from the TEMPer device to a disk file. This file will be in the install directory and named TEMPerSensor-nn-(hostname).log where nn is the internal
object number of the Monitored Object. This number is always the same for each MO instance. The frame encloses the alarm configuration items for each TEMPer device
or TEMPerLAN probe in the Sensor list. Enabled Check this box to enable monitoring of the
selected item. Current Temperature This is the current temperature read from the monitored
device/probe when the item is selected on the Sensor list. Current Humidity This is the
current humidity read from the monitored device/probe when the item is selected on the Sensor list. This is only available
when the selected item is a TEMPerHUM device. Alarm Low This is the low temperature/humidity
threshold. Values below these levels will generate an alarm. Alarm High This is the high
temperature/humidity threshold. Values above these levels will generate an alarm. Correction This
is a +- correction to be applied to temperature/humidity values read from the device/probe before the values are checked against
the alarm thresholds. Alias This is an optional name for the device/probe that will be used in
place of the default identification of the device/probe used in alarm messages. Alarm Object Identifies
the Alarm Object to be used for alarm notification when this monitored object generates an alarm. The drop down list shows
all available Alarm Objects. An Alarm Object must be selected to perform paging, broadcasting or email of alarm events for
this object. Alarm Text When an alarm is generated for an object, a default alarm notification
message is issued. This message identifies the object and describes the alarm. You can override the default alarm message
by entering custom alarm notification message text in this box. You can use substitution keywords in the message which will
be expanded to their run time values when the message is generated. Keywords appear as [keyword]
in the message text. The keywords you can use for this object are:
Keyword | Description | [TYPE] | expands to the monitored object's type. | [ID] | expands to the monitored object's unique identification
string. | [IDX] | expands to the monitored object's unique identification string plus the target system. | [DESC] | expands
to the monitored object's long description. | [ALARMID] | expands to the unique numeric identifier for the
monitored object's current alarm event. | [ALARMDEVDESC] | expands to the description of the device/probe
that generated the current alarm. | [ALARMMSG] | expands to the formatted alarm message from the device/probe
that generated the current alarm. | [ALARMDEVTYPE] | expands to the name of the device this MO is using. | [ALARMPROBE] | expands to the TEMPerLAN probe ID string. | [ALARMALIAS] | expands to the Alias of the device/probe that
generated the current alarm. | [TEMPTYPE] | expands to the temperature scale in use (F or C). | [ALARMLASTTEMP] | expands
to the last temperature value read from the device/probe that generated the current alarm. | [ALARMLASTHUM] | expands
to the last humidity value read from the device/probe that generated the current alarm. | [TEMPLOW] | expands to
the low temperature threshold value. | [TEMPHIGH] | expands to the high temperature threshold value. | [HUMLOW] | expands
to the low humidity threshold value. | [HUMHIGH] | expands to the high humidity threshold value. | [HOST] | expands
to the name/IP address of the PC hosting the CPL Agent (USB devices) or the TEMPerLAN device being monitored. | [DATE] | expands
to the current date. | [AGENT] | expands to the application name of "PageR". | [SYSTEM] | expands to the
name of this system. |
Notes When using any of the
TEMPer devices supported by this MO, you do not need to install the software that comes with the device unless you wish to
use it separately from PageR. Windows will automatically install the device drivers needed
when you first connect a USB TEMPer device to the PC that will host it.
When using a USB based TEMPer device, you must install the CPL Agent service on that PC. Use the CPL Agent.msi file found in the PageR directory
to install the agent on any PCs that will have a USB TEMPer device attached. The CPL Agent is not installed or updated automatically,
you must install CPL Agent as needed. CPL Agent runs as a service and auto starts when Windows starts. You must start it manually
after installation.
devices are accessed directly by PageR and do not require CPL Agent.
On a PC hosting USB based TEMPer devices, you may have at
most two devices attached
to that PC. You can only attach one
device of a single type to the PC. This means one TEMPer, TEMPer1 or TEMPerHUM device. You may attach one TEMPerHUM device
and one other type of device for two devices total. |